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  • Writer's pictureMaya Mashiach

A Tale of Two Cities and the Struggle for Design Opportunities

Updated: Jun 12

The journey to land a design role in the metropolises of London and New York has been nothing short of an adventure. After having completed school in London with a master's degree in architecture, I embarked on what I thought would be a straightforward quest for a job opportunity. Little did I know, the reality would be far more complex and challenging than anticipated

A Tale of Two Cities: Dreams vs. Reality

With grand visions of contributing to the iconic urban cities of London or New York, I dove into the job market, confident that my qualifications, passion, and skills would swiftly open doors. However, after months of meticulous applications and endless waiting, the responses were either non-existent or politely dismissive. This stark contrast between expectation and reality was a tough reality I needed to face.

The Application Avalanche

It’s staggering how many applications one can send out into the void, each painstakingly tailored to highlight one's unique strengths and fit for the role. Despite pouring so much dedication into each application, the feedback was almost always the same: silence or a generic rejection. It led me to question everything – was my portfolio not strong enough? Was I not what these companies were looking for? Did I not have enough of a skillset?

Networking: The Elusive Key

Then came the advice everyone seemed to offer: “Network, network, network.” I threw myself into it, emailing so many people, reaching out to industry leaders, and building connections on LinkedIn. However, networking did not yield the immediate results I had hoped for. While it did lead to insightful conversations and a broader understanding of the industry, it seldom translated into tangible job opportunities. More often than not, I found myself debating if I should settle for roles in places that weren’t my ideal choice, just to stay afloat in this market and launch myself into being an independent designer.

The Harsh Reality of Networking

The reality is that networking, while invaluable, often doesn't yield the direct results we hope for. The promise of a golden connection leading to the perfect job can be an illusion. Many of us end up in roles that are stepping stones rather than destinations, in locations we hadn’t initially considered. This reality forces us to reassess our goals and stay adaptable.

Exploring Broader Horizons

In an effort to broaden my opportunities, I expanded my search beyond traditional architecture roles. I applied for positions in design and computation, areas where I also excel and possess significant skills. Despite my versatility and strong work ethic, the responses remained sparse. It’s frustrating to know you have so much to offer, yet not get the chance to demonstrate your capabilities in an interview or direct response.

Living at Home: Motivation and Challenges

Returning to Los Angeles, the city where I grew up, has been both motivating and challenging. After spending over eight years away from LA, building my education and career, moving back in with my family to save money while job hunting was a tough decision. Growing up, I always envisioned my adult life elsewhere, thriving in cities with rich architectural landscapes. Yet, this return has fueled my determination to secure a role that allows me to live and work in the vibrant urban centers I love.

Resilience and Adaptability

Despite these setbacks, I’ve learned the importance of resilience and adaptability. The fields of design and architecture are cutthroat, especially in global hubs like London or New York. The competition is fierce and impressive, and standing out is an ongoing battle. But with this competition comes the opportunity for growth. I’ve taken this time to expand my skill set, learning new design software, working freelance, and exploring related fields like experiential architecture and visual effects. These steps not only enhance my resume but also keep my passion for design alive.

Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

Despite the challenges, each rejection and unexpected turn has been a learning experience. It has pushed me to refine my approach and grow both personally and professionally. The resilience I’ve developed is a testament to my unwavering commitment to my career in design and architecture.

Looking Forward

As I continue my job search, I remain cautiously optimistic. The right opportunity is out there, and every step, every connection, brings me closer to it. For those of you in similar positions, remember: persistence is key. I remind myself to learning, keep growing, and stay open to unexpected opportunities. The journey may be long and winding, but the destination is worth the effort because I know the world has so much to offer.

In conclusion, the job market is a challenging arena, filled with both obstacles and potential. While networking may not always deliver the expected results, it remains an essential part of the journey. With perseverance, adaptability, and an open mind, I know that I can navigate this complex landscape and find the opportunities that I seek. Here’s to finding the right fit and continuing to build a brighter future in design and architecture.

Thank you for reading. If you have any tips, advice, or simply want to share your own experiences, please feel free to connect and reach out. Together, we can navigate this challenging landscape and support each other in our professional journeys.

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